HOW MUCH FISH? Free of grains or gluten, ACANA Pacifica is loaded with 75% fish. HOW MUCH FRESH
FISH? 1/2 of the fish in ACANA is FRESH, and 1/2 is dried or oils. HOW MANY FISH? ACANA Pacifica
features wild-caught fish in WholePrey ratios of fish, organs, and cartilage or bone. Pacific
herring – whole and fresh from Canada’s North Pacific. Pacific pilchard – whole and fresh from
Canada’s North Pacific. Arrowtooth flounder – whole and fresh from Canada’s North Pacific. Silver
hake – whole and fresh from Canada’s North Pacific. Redstripe rockfish – whole and fresh from
Canada’s North Pacific. ONLY 5 SUPPLEMENTSUnlike conventional cat foods, ACANA’s rich, whole fish
inclusions deliver essential nutrients naturally, eliminating the need for long lists of additives
and supplements.HOW MUCH FISH? Free of grains or gluten, ACANA Pacifica is loaded with 75% fish.
HOW MUCH FRESH FISH? 1/2 of the fish in ACANA is FRESH, and 1/2 is dried or oils. HOW MANY FISH? ACANA
Pacifica features wild-caught fish in WholePrey ratios of fish, organs, and cartilage or bone.
Pacific herring – whole and fresh from Canada’s North Pacific. Pacific pilchard – whole and fresh
from Canada’s North Pacific. Arrowtooth flounder – whole and fresh from Canada’s North Pacific.
Silver hake – whole and fresh from Canada’s North Pacific. Redstripe rockfish – whole and fresh from
Canada’s North Pacific. ONLY 5 SUPPLEMENTSUnlike conventional cat foods, ACANA’s rich, whole fish
inclusions deliver essential nutrients naturally, eliminating the need for long lists of additives
and supplements.